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sols: a gift of words

Slice of Life hosted at the 
Join in and share a slice of your life.

One of the best gifts I give myself is time to write Monday evenings for the Tuesday Slice of Life.  That writing time allows me the opportunity to think about the little moments in my life.  Sometimes those moments are big and important.  Other times it's a funny moment that made me laugh.  Or a celebration, a word, a poem about the ordinary life.  I'm still amazed that I have been writing each week for over three years!

Yet, there is another gift . . .

My mom and dad have published my writing.  Just this past Christmas, I received volume five of my blog writing.  Yes, I have five books filled with my words -- and yours.  I usually flip through the book.  Smile.  Laugh.  Remember my stories.  Then, in the past, each volume was placed safely on a bookshelf to sit.  Where it waited to be opened and read to bring my words to life again.

Yet, this gift was different . . . 

After finding a home for all the new gifts, volume five sat patiently on the side table in my living room.  Waiting for something different.  It didn't quickly join the other volumes on the bookshelf.  Each morning I read two devotional books.  I decided to add a slice (or two!) of my writing as well.  My words dance on the page, tell my stories, bring me tears of laughter and joy.

Yet, there is something more . . .

Your words matter.  My words tell my story, but your words, your comments tell me your story and how our lives are connected.  Writing can be a quiet, secluded practice, but I am so thankful for your voice and to know that I am not alone on this journey.

Your words connect our stories.

Reading a slice of life overflowing with comments is the perfect way to start the day. 
Thanks Mom and Dad! 

When was the last time you went back and read your writing?  
I suggest you go back for a taste.  You won't be disappointed.


  1. I knew your parents published your posts, but I didn't realize that it included the comments too. Wow! I'm in a book! (channeling Elephant and Piggie here :-) ) I can't believe we have been writing for three years. Words do connect and that leads to face to face connections too. Writing brings so much joy! I didn't know that before.

  2. I'm so glad that you enjoy rereading your stories and all the comments. I published 2013 and just received it in the mail. I paused to glance thru it and then put it on the shelf. I've been doing this for two year and, I agree, the stories we write are very meaningful, but the comments we receive make our stories complete. I think I'll take your suggestion and reread my slices. Love ya, Mom

    1. Here's the website I go to. Watch for their discounts. You have to select that you want the comments to print.

  3. This is beyond cool. Like Elsie, I knew about the books, but didn't realize that comments were included. I like your reflections. I appreciate your thoughts. Slicing is filled with learning, inspiration and kindness. And fun.
    Banana. (Building on the Elephant and Piggie moment :) )

  4. I love that your parents publish your posts. What a treasure for you each morning.

  5. This is just the best gift ever! I mean, really, it is the best gift ever. Can you get a hold of my husband and tell him??

    You're so right. Our stories don't stand alone. The community makes all the difference - brings us all together!

  6. I didn't know of the books or the fact that they included comments. What an amazing gift - I'm going to pass along the hint to my family!

  7. Really. Best. Gift. Ever. I go back and read posts periodically--and the comments Because the stories we write need this little community. I love how you are going to read yours this year--a little bit at a time. Wonderful

  8. Love, love, love, love, love this! (That's five loves for each of the five volumes. Though I love it even more than that.) Yea Mom & Dad!

  9. Wow...your mom and dad have given you such a treasure. I love how you also let us know our comments really matter and connect us. Your girls will have such a treasure in the future. I bet they will also look for Grandma's comments! Your practice of reading your devotionals and some of your writing is such good practice and such a wonderful way to start your day.

  10. I knew of the books, too, but also didn't realize the comments, Michelle. Wow-I think I may have to check out the publishing. I've looked at Blog2print, but still haven't made the leap. There are several of us who began that year! What a journey! Thank you for your sharing with us! Warms me up!

  11. You have a treasure and we have one in reading your words. I love your posts and the stories you share. The "group" of slicers who I feel were part of my beginning are Elsie, Linda, Katherine and you! I will never forget those first posts and comments and yes, I do go back and reread. They are what pushes me to reach out to new bloggers.

  12. What a great idea! And what a cool mom to think of this! I sometimes go back and read my slices on the blog, but this is over the top cool!!!!!

  13. What a lovely idea and gift from your parents. I never re-read my posts but with my new blog I do love to see my images.
    I loved this Slice as your shared your love of writing...

  14. Such a beautiful idea for a gift - even if you gift it to yourself! Occasionally I will go back and read a post and comments, but often they are just out there in Bloglost Land. It would be nice to have them on paper to be read again easily. There still is nothing like flipping through actual paper pages! So sweet of your parents to have done this for you!

  15. What a precious gift...Your beautiful words on paper...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Wow, such an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing this!


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