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sols: today is mine

Slice of Life hosted at the 
Join in and share a slice of your life.

The two week break from school (with now an additional two days) was needed. {Joy.}

However, it wasn't what I had imagined . . .
reading all day
relaxing with my feet up on the couch
doing a lot of nothing

It was more like . . .
constant go-go-go chaos
projects, baking, cleaning, shopping
scheduled {much-loved} family time

Yet, today is mine.  And that is why I am even more grateful for the additional two *cold* days.  People always joke about needing a vacation after a vacation.  After the last two weeks of busyness, I was celebrating a day of not going and doing. {Joy.}

Because of the extreme cold, we were forced to stay inside.  Monday was a relaxing day playing in our newly finished basement {Joy.}: trains, reading, a movie, marble run building.  Today my girls will go to "school" -- their new daycare to meet new friends, play with new toys, and experience new learning.  I will be missing them and looking forward to the pick-up this afternoon to hear all about their first day. {Joy.}

So, today is mine.  All mine.  I have a to-do list.  It's not short.  But it doesn't all need to be completed.  A little organizing.  A little cleaning.  A little OLW searching.  A little slice of life commenting.  {Joy.}

Oh, and I have yet to open my school bag . . . But I'm thinking that can wait until Wednesday when I return the contents to school in my new rolling bag. {Joy.}

Because today is mine.  I am going to enjoy today.


  1. Oh happy day and Joy - sounds like you might have found your OLW - at least for today. So happy that you are getting some much needed "ME" time! Be sure to schedule that every day on your To Do List. Our time visiting did seem very busy and rushed, but we enjoyed every minute of our time, but next time we need to plan some you & me time! Can't wait to hear all about the girls' first day.
    Stay warm and enjoy! Love ya, Mom

  2. Enjoy your day. We had a crazy break, a crazy teacher workday on Friday filled with rushing, to come to being completely snowed in and no way to get out. Nature has forced me to slow down and I am grateful.

  3. That's the attitude to go with. Enjoy your day fully. I am glad that slicing is part of your "me" time.

  4. Oh happy joy! What a good way to begin they year!

  5. Love it! Really appreciated the inclusion of joy into your post. I hope that you are enjoying your day.

  6. Glad to hear that you got two extra days off and a lot of JOY in them!:)
    --jee young

  7. Enjoy, enJOY, ENJOY! You deserve this day to yourself.

    These "cold" days are really crazy! My daughter didn't have school today, but I had to take her to a medical appt. The stroller blew away before I got her into it (a man retrieved it for me) and then I left it at the med center since I was in such a rush to get her into the car. Crazy right? I could use a day in right about now!

  8. I have to tell you that I thought "TODAY" was your one little word. And I thought MAN that is one of the best ones--if not the best ones--I've heard. Be in the moment, be present, all that... My yoga studio often writes "Be here now" up on its blackboard, and I think it's so good because it's so hard for some silly reason. Anyway, I'm rambling but hope that you find your one little word and thanks for inspiring another little word in me!

  9. Joy, joy, joy! I'm in a similar place - my 2 weeks off we're a wee bit hectic. I'm on Snow Day #2 right now and I'm floating (my OLW). Katie is napping, Maddie is watching Winnie the Poo right next to me, and I'm enjoying cup of coffee and commenting. Joy, indeed.

    Side note - I totally want a rolling bag! Do you love it????

  10. It's good to have a day just for the sake of joy. The hours pass quickly but the feeling remains. There was peace to your post today. :-)

  11. I was so glad to see your slice. I have missed reading your words. It is so nice to take time for ourselves, although many times the guilt slips in for me. I remember reading a post on Clare and Tammy's blog about rotating neglect...we all need to do that and it sounds like you did that today by taking time for yourself. Good for you and welcome back!

  12. Great to hear from you again, Michelle! And that you had a marvelous day to yourself. Hope it was all you wanted it to be.

  13. Glad you got a day for yourself! Hope you enjoyed it!

  14. Ahhhh - lots of JOY in your post - I'm SO glad you got a rolling bag! Your shoulders will find JOY, too. See you soon :)

  15. Yup, a vacation after the vacation. BRAVO! Yes, today is YOURS!!!!!

  16. You post was a JOY to read! I hope you enjoyed the day you had to yourself...I sometimes fantasize about having a day to myself too!

  17. Nature seems to have a way of knowing what we need, doesn't it? I celebrated a "cold" day too. Nothing better than just breathing!


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