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sols: my one little word

Slice of Life hosted at the 
Join in and share a slice of your life.

I waited.  And waited.  I thought.  And I looked.

I read and I read.  Blog post after blog post.

I wanted that story.  A gift in the beauty of one little word.

I had words.  Words surrounded me.

Balance.  Time.  Healthy.  ME.  Faith.  Possibilities.

I initially thought my word was going to be ME.  After having my girls three and a half years ago, ME has been lost.  Me never comes first.  ME?  If there was time . . . which, if you are a parent, know that is, um, like, never.

And I'm good with that because children are the most beautiful gift from God.

But in the midst of being a mother, I am looking to BALANCE my TIME to be HEALTHY for ME and having FAITH in all the POSSIBILITIES.

And, yet, choosing the word ME felt selfish.  It was too much about ME.  It didn't feel right.

Of course, my one little word is about still about me.  It provides a focus for the year.  A reminder of what I want to think about.  A train of thought.  A mantra of sorts.  

I wanted my word to give ME strength this year.

Strength in my relationship with Christ through God's word.
Strength in my quest to eat healthier and be stronger for my family in all aspects of my life: physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Strength in my balance of life and finding time to balance all that I need and want to do and accepting that I can't do it all!
Strength in my parenting with patience, love, and kind words and actions with my girls.  I want them to know Jesus and obey God's word.
Strength in my marriage to nurture our relationship that has been altered by parenthood.
Strength in my growth as a teacher-leader to be the best me in the classroom.

And there it is.

My one little word for 2014 - STRENGTH.  Beginning with the strength from above.

"But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength." 2 Timothy 4:17
Image found on Pinterest


  1. This seems like the perfect word for you, Michelle. Of course, I always think of you as a strong woman..... I like how even though you think it's all about you, it will affect all those around you. Here's to a year of strength....

  2. I love that you took your time, and the word came through for you. What a great word: strength!

  3. I am enjoying the "revealing" and "revelation" stories of everyone's journey to their OLW

    1. oops, it posted from my old blog, this is Wakeupandwrite...

  4. I don't know if I've read all the posts, but this is the first time I remember 'strength' Michelle. You made it fit your life beautifully, and of course, more to come, to lean on. Hope the journey is a good one!

  5. The word is yours and I hope it will be there, ready for you whenever you need it. You know that sometimes you can be weak and allow others to pamper you, because it gives you strength for other times. You found cool on Pinterest.

  6. Sometimes that search for the word is a struggle. I had the same issue you had. How sweet it is when you can find a word to support you throughout the year. I know you will grow stronger with this word this year. You have strength.

  7. Great word… glad you took the time to find it and have your story. I wonder if it the story behind the word that will carry us through our journey. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I do believe that passage, he walks with us, he gives it to us...always. I love how you looked at all the aspects of your life, beautiful writing as always. Michelle. xo

  9. Your word found you. Yea Michelle! I'm so glad you shared your story of it with us today.

  10. I love your word Michelle! I've been floundering with my olw for this year--getting stronger has been on my mind as has being well, connecting with others and running the race set before me.... still thinking. Your post made me feel better about not having my word yet.

  11. This is a great word to invite into your life. I can't wait to read about how it changes you. I'm so glad you found it! Happy New Year!

  12. Great word, Michelle - and it found you after all!

  13. Wow this is awesome! You Rock! I praise God for you, way to be a loving mother and teacher! Psalm 28:7-8 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Be blessed in Jesus name. Amen.

  14. Michelle, I'm so happy that you found your OLW and what a great word it is. I know that by relying on God and His word, that you will learn just how strong of a woman you are. Your Faith will help you find the strength that you need to be a fulfilled person, which is turn will make you a great wife, mother and teacher. I look forward to how your OLW will turn your life around. Love ya, Mom

  15. Strength sounds like the perfect word for you! There are so many things that can require strength and many things that can give you strength. I'll be interested to see where your OLW journey takes you this year and I know you will share your strength with the rest of us as you share your stories.

  16. Michelle, strength is a great word! Your verse from 2 Timothy is right on the spot! May God give you strength to do all that you want to this year.

  17. It sounds like you came upon the perfect word. I am glad that you were able to think about how you can focus on what you need, and it seems like by waiting for just the right word, you were able to capture more fully what you are hoping to guide your year. Have you ever taken Ali Edwards' One Little Word class? This is my third year and I look forward to her prompts each month - love her personality.

  18. Michelle, I think there is something to be said for waiting for the word to find you. I enjoyed that you took the time to reflect on what STRENGTH will mean to you. I need to do that with my word.

    Wishing you STRENGTH in the coming year,


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