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writing, a new year, and an addition #sol18

Slice of Life is hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join in and share a slice of your life. 

I've become comfortable with this pattern of writing the last couple years. My slice of life writing slows and eventually stops as the school year is in full swing and the holidays arrive. Then January rolls around and I feel that I'm missing out. I'm not recording my stories and I'm missing your stories.

But I have enjoyed this time away.

For the last two weeks, it's been all about family. Family time. Making memories. Busy living. And not living busy. Just being in the moment. More chances to say yes. Time to relax, nap, and just sit and be. Time to think, read, reflect.

I've been thinking about my one little word. I don't have a word just yet and I'm okay with that. I'll be patient and wait for it to come to me. I'm really in no rush as I enjoy these two weeks at home before the busyness of school begins again.

Time with my girls ... and the newest addition to our family. A new puppy. She arrived Christmas Eve. She has stolen our hearts. Even though we are living like we have a new baby on the move.  Baby gates are up. Interrupted sleep. Middle of the night potty. Increase in laundry. But lots of puppy kisses and snuggles.

"You know, Mom. You are talking to her like a baby."

"You and Dad are paying way more attention to Harley than to us."

"I'm starting to think you love her more."

Yes, a puppy takes more energy and patience. Harley has been great for our family. Yes, she gets quite a bit of attention, but she has taught us to be in the moment, slow down, relax. She has been very therapeutic for us. (Most of us ...)

So, for now, I wish you a happy, healthy new year! I'm excited, as always, to jump back into my writing as the new year begins ... I'm sure I'll have plenty of puppy stories to share! (Or words of neglect from my girls ...)

Meet Harley! She is a black lab mix that we rescued and adopted at 13 weeks old.


  1. Michelle, Happy New Year and congratulations on your little puppy. It seems ages ago that I met you and was intrigued by your little girl stories. I remember talking about my daughter and how someday I would be able to share stories. My post today does just that. As a new grandma, I savor every moment of grandmotherhood when I am with my little granbaby, Sierra. I am sure that your holidays were enjoyable and I love the fact that you had time to think, read, and reflect. I look forward to more stories from you this year.

  2. She's cute!!!! Nothing better than a lab mix. Terrific kid and family dogs.

  3. I am so glad to see you at this space, Michelle. We can all approach writing as mindfulness practice. When your mind drifts off the breathing, you simply return to your practice, treating yourself with compassion. A puppy? Looking forward to your stories about you, your girls, the puppy, school, and all other bits you choose to share, when you have time. Happy New Year! Head uut aastat!

  4. Oh my! She is a darling! I can't wait for Harley stories!

  5. I was intrigued with your teaser about an addition to the family. Harley's adorable! I love hearing your stories whenever you can stop by. Happy New Year!

  6. Oh, a puppy! How wonderful!

    I always wonder where you go when the school year starts. Now I know! GREAT to have you back.

  7. How wonderful! We are envious of your puppy! We lost our Rozz in November and our home is missing her tremendously.


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