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{my #olw, finally} #sol18

Slice of Life is hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join in and share a slice of your life. 

I've been patient. Probably too patient. It's just about February and I haven't officially connected with my one little word to help guide me through this new year  ... that is now a month old.

I've tossed about words just as many of you have as well. Words that peak my interest. Words that light a little fire. Words that bring me joy. Words that speak to my soul.

In the past, my one little words have been safe words. Nothing daring and bold. Nothing that caused me big actions. But this year I debated. Maybe I should pick a word that will really challenge me. Change me. Chase me to something new.

But now that I've waited this long, I don't think I should wait for a bold word to grab me. I think I would continue to resist it ... and then the year would be over!

A few weeks ago, the word BELIEVE stuck with me. I want to grow more in my faith and deeply BELIEVE God is the author of my story. I want to BELIEVE this is the year of getting my body back and be healthier. I want to BELIEVE in myself and the work I am capable of doing at school. I want to BELIEVE I can make a difference in my life and others. I want to BELIEVE this world is a good place. I want to BELIEVE in the beauty of others. I want to BELIEVE in myself.

After scattering these thoughts, I closed my notebook, not really believing this was the word for me.  Moments later, the girls and I hopped in the car and this is what I saw:

Yeah, I know. It's a clear sign, right?!? I just didn't believe it yet. The days have passed by and I pondered more words. Nothing seemed quite right. But that word showed up again and again in little ways.

Today, I received my copy of Peter H. Reynold's new book: The Word Collector. (Yes! Add this to your list to buy now!) I opened the cover to be surrounded by words and possibilities. And right there again was my word ... (taunting me with the bold and daring word of another.)

So, there it is. The world speaking to me to BELIEVE.


  1. definitely signs --and everywhere you looked. I've been intrigued by #olw but never done it. This encourages me. Besides I meant to come up with a list of intentions and didn't. Maybe I can manage a single word...

  2. I'm a Mormon, so maybe this resonates with me more than it will for you, but after reading your post, I couldn't get this song out of my head:

    I'm picturing you in your car singing this. :)

  3. Believe! Such a strong word. I'm glad you've found your OLW. I appreciate that having the word is important to you and even though it is nearly February you still believed you would find one.

  4. Michelle, this seems to be the perfect word for you. And you definitely saw the signs!

  5. Great OLW for you. You have a strong faith and know that God will help you to Believe, not only in Him, but in yourself. Sometimes we have to wait and be patient and look for those signs. I think they found you. I believe in you and all that you do and will try to encourage you to move forward with your OLW this year. Love ya, Mom

  6. How marvelous to have seen that car - it was just the sign you needed to seal the deal!

  7. Interesting how signs popped up when you were mot sure of your word. I have no doubt the word will empower you.

  8. Oh my goodness! How amazing is that!


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