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{Today is the Day} #sol15

The Slice of Life is
hosted at the Two Writing Teachers
Join in and share a slice of your life. 

Today is the day --
I wake up early and feel my heart
thump thump thump in my chest.

Today is the day --
I am full of excitement, wonder, and fear ...
wondering if you are feeling the same.

Today is the day --
I squat down to look into your sparkling eyes
imagining this first day from your perspective.

Today is the day --
I brush your hair to the side, rub your soft cheek,
and wonder how this day came so quickly.

Today is the day --
I give you the BIGGEST hug and kiss
to remind you that I am so proud of you.

Today is the day --
I pray over you, your safety, your teacher,
your open minds to continue to learn and grow and blossom.

Today is the day --
I give you three squeezes of your hand
to tell you again that I love you.

Today is the day --
You squeezed my hand five times in return
to tell me our "I love you so much" secret message.

Today is the day --
I watch you both slowly walk away,
holding hands looking at each other.

Today is the day --
I notice you turn back, smile,
and then wave one last goodbye.

Today is the day --
I close my eyes to capture this moment
forever in my heart and hold back any tears.

Today is the day --
I see only two big purple backpacks
that are now out of sight as you turn the corner.

Today is the day --
I quickly turn around as the tears start slowly
then flood the sidewalk.

Today is the day --
I can't wait to pick you up and ask about
your very first day of kindergarten.



  1. Wow, so heartwarming and beautiful! It really takes me back...

  2. Aww Michelle I wish I was there to give you a big hug...just like the first day you had to leave them to come to work....where does the time go?? Can't wait to hear all about their year! Xoxo love the pic šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

  3. Wonderful pic and sharing of your soul! Those backpacks are almost as big as they are. Hope the day flies by and you're sharing first day memories with them soon.

  4. Today is a wonderful and memorable day. Tears are natural. Such a cute pic of your two small girls with the huge backbags. Hugs.

  5. Oh, Michelle, thinking about you today. Love the sweet picture! I love how the backpacks are still bigger than them. It takes a few years for them to grow into them. Hoping for happy after school stories!

  6. It is momentous, those special landmarks of our children, maybe the first real 'letting go". What a sweet post, and the sweetest picture, Michelle. I remember when they were so little, me, miles away, having watched them grow. Best wishes to them, and to Mommy.

  7. Oh my goodness! What a great poem. I don't know if I can handle it. I have just 3 weeks before my daughter has her first day. I'm taking her to my school, so I'll have to wave from the hall. I can guarantee she won't want me to go with her to her classroom!

  8. Your post made me cry! What a beautiful piece of writing. I hope they are having a wonderful day!

  9. I can remember how it was 4 years ago when you left with them at the day care. It tore at your heart then, just as it's tearing at it now. God is with them watching over them and caring for them, just as He is caring for you. Wish I was there to give you a big squeeze and lots of encouragement. Love ya bunches, Mom

  10. What a very sweet and moving poem ending with such an endearing picture. I hope all was good for Mom and children.

  11. Today is the day the girls begin a new journey. I hope it was a joyous day for all. Remember Pete the cat's words, "It's all good!"

  12. Michelle, the very first day of Kindergarten is always a sad one for parents but an exciting one for children. I see that your twins have each other to chat with along the walk. Two good by hugs, two kisses, and two wishes for a life of learinng-how exciting.

  13. I don't know why kindergarten was the hardest.! Each milestone, each birthday, each time you want to walk backwards and do it all again. But the job of a mother is to let go, then hug tight. They never really leave you.

  14. Memories that you will treasure--always!

  15. This brought tears to my eyes, too! Love the picture - gosh, they are adorable. I'm rowing in the same boat as you this year, Michelle. What a mix of emotions, isn't it? I hope they have a fun and successful year! We'll have to swap stories... :)

  16. Beautiful picture as well as heartfelt poetry. Your big girls are bound to do big things (and little things) in the world to make it a better place. Sending virtual hugs and high fives!!!

  17. Such beautiful words! You've captured so well when your babies leave for school for the first time.


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