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{sols} accountability

Slice of Life hosted at the
Join in and share a slice of your life.

"Are you still writing in your ten year journal?" Chris asked innocently.

Quiet pause.

I shook my head.

"Oh, I didn't mean anything by it.  I was just curious ..."  She replied trying to cover my silence.

"No, no.  It's fine.  Last year, I made it until like August and then life got busy and I just stopped.   I started again at the new year and I made it to like June."

That night I dug through the stack of books on my nightstand.  I found my 10 year journal that I started in 2012 at the very bottom.  I was curious as to when life got too busy for writing a brief three or four sentences a day.  I flipped through the blank pages.


The last time I wrote in my journal this year was in March.  The month when I wrote every single day right here.  And I couldn't write a few lines in my journal?

Quite ironic.

So, with a little accountability, I jumped back into writing in my ten year journal.  The beauty of the journal is to look back and read little snippets of life on the same day in the previous years.

Thank you, Chris, for your one little question!  More memories will be captured in my every day!  


  1. I really enjoy the idea of having a journal where you only write 3 or 4 sentences a day, but to be accountable for doing it every day. I may begin doing this. The trick for me too will be to write every day and not to let life get in the way.

  2. I was at a workshop with Naomi Shihab Nye and she recommended we try to write three things every day. I tried it in a notebook, but never succeeded in keeping it going for very long. That was before I became a Slicer. Maybe I should try again, but with a journal....maybe just a one year journal to begin.

  3. With the combination of your blog and the 10 year journal you collect your story piece by piece. It would be magnificent to look back in 10 years and see your past, what has stayed the same and what has changed. It will be a marvelous resource for your children and grandchildren to help them to get to know you.

  4. Little Snippets of Life! You will have given yourself such a wonderful gift through the years. If you miss a day, a week or a month...that happens. The fact that you have it and will continue makes me want to try the same. Jackie

  5. What a treasure this will be, especially when your girls are older. So you missed a few months, that's okay.

  6. What a great idea...good thing to do since life goes by so quickly! You may inspire me once again my friend! Hope all is well...miss you!

  7. With your busy life, some things will slip by, but as Elsie said, it's ok to miss a week or month. Pick it up again. Those little snippets will be such a delight not only when you re-read them, but when the girls come upon them later in their lives. I have some of my Mom's journals that she wrote when she was sick. I found out a lot about her during those difficult years. Love ya, Mom

  8. I understand how we break habits so easily, maybe because they are little. Glad you've returned. I love the idea, Michelle. Also nice to compliment your friend.

  9. Great idea! This will be such a treasure trove of memories, Michelle.


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