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SOLS: One Day in My Life

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SOLS:  One Day in My Life

Up before daylight breaks
morning exercise (or snooze)
Hop in 'n out of the shower
dressed and ready to go
Rise and shine girls
two more primed for the day
Breakfast next 
then time to play
Pack up the car
zip to Miss Kate's
Drop off quick
blowing kisses goodbye.

Race to school
mind spinning
with a long list of to-do's
Morning meetings
colleague chats
Teaching kids
reading, writing
reflecting, thinking
all day

School's out
evening fast approaching
Rushing home
to see the girls
Kisses, hugs, and love
comfy clothes change

Prepare, mix, and make
dinner on the table
Dishes to do
lunches to make
Toys to pick up
laundry to start
Library books to return
library books to pick up
Laundry washer to dryer
Bills to pay
emails to respond to
Twitter to check
blogs to browse
Laundry to fold

time for just 

Books to read

e  y  e  s


And I wouldn't change
one day in my life.


  1. What a day! You wore me out, but also made me miss it (a little). With time life does slow down, but then the kids are gone with a life of their own. Then you are left wondering how did it go by so fast. Take time to enjoy this hectic period of life.

  2. Just know, one day those kids will grow up and then you will have so much time on your hands...and no you will not regret one long day but remember them all fondly with rose colored glasses!

  3. Whee-that's life for sure! Glad to hear that going to Miss Kate's is going well, and that you wouldn't change a thing. I like the way we 'slid' all the way through your day. Your words made me read fast!

  4. Wow! What a great post! You capture the busyness of your day so well through this slice. I can definitely relate, by the end of the day I am extremely exhausted, but I know it's all so worth it.
    --jee young

  5. I can relate to the feeling of can-not-keep-my-eyes-open. I like how you shaped that bit. I have to admit that once in a while I do need a day without too many things on the to-do-list.

  6. Whew! Made me tired to read it! And made me miss, just a little, those hectic days when the boys were young. Enjoy the time, but don't forget to breathe!

  7. I felt tired reading your poem. What a busy life you lead!

    I like the way the form of the poem changes and becomes skinnier at the end. It's as if you're using every last drop of energy to get through to the end of the day.


  8. Love your poem -- exactly how I feel lately! I especially like what you did with the form of "can't keep my eyes open" -- it was a great visual of that feeling!

  9. Ahh, the joys (& trials) of being a Mom, wife, teacher, etc. etc. I often wonder how I did it during those year of raising you & your brother, working, caring for the house, and cooking (Dad didn't take over till later). But, it was all worth the effort. Enjoy all those moments - the girls will grow up so quickly, but be sure to take time for yourself. We all need some "ME" time. Great poem and my eyes wanted to close as I got to the end. Love ya, M

  10. Oh the life of a professional mom. As I read through your poem, I quickly began to empathize....and you have 2 really little ones. Maybe YOU time can be an early bedtime. :)

  11. No wonder you're exhausted! Love not only the words you chose for your poem, but the shape of the poem and how you used the white space.

  12. geee I have no idea why you'd be tired?!! lol I LOVE how you can take real, every day life and turn it into amazing fun poetry. Enjoy those babies, soon they'll be waving to you on their way out the door.

  13. Oh so true! Thanks for sharing your poem. Loved it!


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