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{olw: peace} #sos


More than two-thirds through this year (thank God!) ...

And as I was walking the other day, I started reflecting on my one little word for the year: PEACE.

We were vacationing in the beautiful state of New Hampshire as the new year began. I was enjoying some precious alone time riding up to the top of the green run at Crotched Mountain. (All the others were aiming for higher elevations.)

Through the repeated quiet rides up, enjoying the crisp winter beauty, PEACE called to me.

I wanted PEACE this year. I needed, required, desperately craved PEACE -- to slow my pace of life and enjoy some quiet, down time. And then take time to treasure these moments.

Image Credit: @PositivelyPresent

Well. Did God ever provide me with the biggest opportunity of PEACE, or what?!?

Yes, there were many moments of chaos and stress, but I still held tightly to PEACE in my heart and in my home. The gift that we were given to be together for over two months as a family of four. To focus on PEACE over the pace of life. To enjoy family and games and walking and biking and just being together. It's all we had to focus on.

And as we venture into the final months of the year, starting back-to-school in very unconventional ways, I will still need to hold tightly onto my ...

PEACE (and continued prayers).


  1. Your word is very powerful. The year we have had challenges peace and therefore it’s admirable you have been able to live by your one little word.

  2. I love the way the OLW plays out over the course of the year, and the way the year changes our understanding of it. Your word is such a powerful one, especially this year.

  3. I often think about God’s provisions for us. The way He prepares us for the times ahead. His exquisite intimate care only seen in retrospect. This is evident to me in the choice of your OLW for 2020! Jesus showing up and shining through.

  4. Let's hope that the rest of the year plays out peacefully despite all the warning signs against it. We need to stay hopeful so we can find joy in seemingly difficult times.

  5. Whenever I think of peace, I'm reminded of John 14:27: My peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

    Many moons ago, I listened to a podcast with Joyce Meyer regarding this scripture. She mentioned that since Jesus left us peace it is already here on earth. All we have to do is claim it...we don't have to find it because it was already given to us. One of my common prayers is: "Let me claim peace."

    I'll pray it for you too as we go return to a very weird school year.



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