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{Being the Change: Week 2} #cyberPD

It's the 8th Annual 
#cyberPD Summer Event!

Join in our #cyberPD Google+ Community to participate!
We want YOU to join in the conversations!

This July we are reading and learning together around the new title from Sara Ahmed 

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My Thoughts and Reflections for Week 2: A Little Late

Chapter 3: Being Candid

"We have come a long way together and I am watching  your minds and hearts grow a little stronger every day." 
(Ahmed, p.73)

  • At first I thought ... social comprehension was more of a SEL approach.
  • Now I think ... social comprehension is an inquiry approach at it's best with the students' as the curriculum and students asking the most important questions that matter to them. 
  • At first I thought ... the term microaggressions was new to me and possibly meant small hostile behaviors.
  • Now I think ... microaggressions are happening more often than I think. And I'm just as guilty. I am trying to be more aware of my own bias and reactions to other .... because guess what? My daughters quickly pick up on the small hostile behaviors.
"We'll move into the territory of honest -- and sometimes hard -- truths, assumptions, and perspectives." (Ahmed, p.42)
  • At first I thought ... Bias was more obvious -- an explicit, blatant belief and behavior.
  • Now I think ... bias can be implicit, unconscious -- and these are the judgements that can harsh. I -- and we -- need to be self-aware of all levels of bias and how are messages are perceived by others.
  • Sara explanation of our brain: system 1 and system 2 - love this!
  • Home Court lesson: our classroom where everyone is respected.
  • Identity statements: empowering students to share their own beliefs about themselves
I am not intimidating.
I am knowledgeable and passionate about literacy and educating students.

Chapter 4: Becoming Better Informed

  • I've always believed in allowing students time to transition to school and share what's on their mind so that they are ready to learn, but Sara takes "our news" to another level -- and it's brilliant!
    • Build upon "our news", connect to my identity, and my ideas for action ** This step is critical for all of us!!! Moves us from just thinking, worrying, wondering, questioning to making a plan and doing something.
      • Thinking about how this may look in a primary classroom - provide a class model and do it together. Example from Katie Keier about reducing the use of straws 
      • Yes, this is how we empower our students to learn together what matters most to them!
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As always, thank you for taking the time to read and sharing your voice!

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Join in the #cyberPD conversations this month!
  • Grab your copy of Being the Change and start reading!
  • Make #cyberPD work for you and your schedule this summer! It's a no-stress, no worries, join when you can kind of book study!  
  • Reflect and write:  a blog post or share your thoughts in the Google Community.
  • Participate in the conversations. This is where the magic of #cyberPD happens!  
    • Visit the Google+ Community and participant blogs.
    • Comment on at least  3 participants reflections during the week.  
    • Continue to share on Twitter as well using the #cyberPD hashtag! 
Additional Resources:

    Questions, comments, or concerns about #cyberPD?  
    Contact Cathy Mere or Michelle Nero


    Read.  Reflect.  Share.  Respond to others.  Then repeat.

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    1. Reading your "I used to think.../Now I think..." ideas on social comprehension made me think about how my own ideas are evolving, too. It made me connect to the idea that there are not "good readers" and "struggling readers;" we are all readers, and we are all adding to our skill set all the time. I think this is the way it is with social comprehension, too.

    2. Michelle,
      I was nodding "me too" in your "at first I thought - now I think" points. I, too, thought this book would be an SEL approach, but I realize now it is a much bigger way to open our minds and make sense of our world. It pushes us to look at situations from different perspectives and to really listen with our hearts. Sara's book has helped me to think about ways to honor students in their thinking and open the door for thoughtful conversation.



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