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sols: release

Slice of Life hosted at the 

I'm in need of a mind release
just quickly writing
what's weighing heavily
on my mind, body, and soul.

But so much is personal --

Between the struggles of
being a giving and nurturing wife
trying to be a patient mother
wanting to be there as a friend
striving to be a supportive colleague
hoping to be an inspiring teacher.

And because it's personal --

I am so good about keeping
all that stuff bottled inside,
where it's safe between
only me and God.


  1. Life is a struggle Michelle . . . but you do so much so well . . . my hope is that you realize it ;-)

  2. I hope your Thanksgiving is a time of release and rejuvenation for you. I think my post today could apply to you. I think you were chosen for many just need a reminder!

  3. Isn't it amazing how releasing words can be a relief...even if it's not the exact words you wish to release.

  4. This is where a writer's notebook comes in handy. Or a separate one for those things to personal to share with the world but, yet, need to be written. Keep the faith, Michelle. There are always struggles with balance in our lives, but things seem to even out. Enjoy a restful Thanksgiving break.

  5. I'm happy your shared, opened up that bottle and poured a little, Michelle. Your poems always touch me-inspire me to write a little more! Happy Thanksgiving with your family!

  6. You're a woman looking for a balance. Letting the words out (speaking, thinking, writing) lightens the burden, allowing to breathe, stretch and move on. Tomorrow is another day. Hug. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I hope this Thanksgiving break reinvigorates your body, mind, and soul.

  8. You always say so much with so few words, I marvel at your talent. Have a blessed Thanksgiving break.

  9. At moments like these, when I feel your needs and so want to help, that I regret moving so far away. Just remember, you are not alone, God is always with you and you are in my prayers and thoughts always. And, I'm only a phone call away when you need someone to listen. Love ya bunches, Mom

  10. Thanksgiving is here, and I hope that you will have time to rejuvenate and find peace, Michelle.

  11. Praying that you will find rest this weekend and will know the height and breadth and depth of His love in amazing ways! Hugs and prayers! Carol

  12. May the spirit of Thanksgiving bring you new blessings. May the short vacation bring you a time to feel refreshed. And may God empower you to face whatever it might be that you are finding hard. Be blessed this Thanksgiving!

  13. Michelle,
    I love the way slices have a way to speaking to me. I was just thinking tonight about choosing a slice to write, knowing that I haven't quite reached a point where I can totally lay everything I am thinking on the line as some people are able to do so. Reading your post helped me to realize that is okay and that I can still connect with others/learn alongside others by considering the complexities that come with this phase of life with just the hints of similarities. I hope you are able to rest and enjoy family over the break.


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