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Showing posts from June, 2013

sols: a day off

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers One day last week, during the family trip to my parents, my mom gave me the "day off."   "Go get your haircut.  Do something for you.  Read at the library.  I know there's not much here to do, but don't come back until later." I didn't even have to think about it. She made me an 8:30 am hair therapy appointment and I was out the door by 8:25 am (forgetting all about the 15 minute "commute" into town!).   I was able to sit and chat and read and think WITHOUT any interruptions -- "Mommy, I want . . . What's this?  Mommy.  Mommy?  Mommy!" -- for over three hours.  And I walked out with blonde highlights and a (little too) short 'do. I grabbed lunch, sat in the sunshine, and started to eat every bite just as fast as I normally do.  Realizing I had time to chew...

sols: road trip

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers A planned road trip can be fun. A planned road trip with three year olds . . . can be quite amusing, very entertaining, and also fun! It's a long 575 miles from Illinois to Arkansas. Not once did we hear (use your best whiny voice), "Are we there yet?" However, we did hear: "I dropped my book." "I want to watch Nemo." "Can I have another book?" "Look at that over there." "What's that over there?" "Where's the Jeep?" "I saw a horse." And interspersed were many sleepy moments of peace and quiet and staring out the window as the low fields of Illinois passed us by, and the beautiful countryside of Missouri, and the rolling hills of Arkansas. These three year olds? They did an AMAZING job traveling.  Only a couple times did w...

sols: today

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers It's a Slice of Life kinda day.  I have so many stories to share, yet so little time with the beginning of summer arriving.  So, here's a sliver of a slice: today: i'm thinking about my Dad on his birthday!  want to be:   relaxing on the porch just reading in the peace and quiet one last day before the girls are all mine all day . . . blessings:   my faithful God, my husband, my girls, my family, my friends thinking:   about the library visit planned for this evening and hoping students will show up to celebrate {summer} reading! planning:   for our road trip to Arkansas in the next couple days and lots of packing. writing:   very little these days, but squeezing in a slice! loving:    my girls who will never be just three again - trying to slow down, laugh more and enjoy th...

sols: STBD

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers And so it's almost midnight (central time zone) and this is the first slice I have ever written down to the last minutes on a Tuesday. These last few days of school have been exhausting, busy, stressful.  You fill in the blank.  Trying to wrap up this year. Thinking about next year. But I still had that itch.  All day long. I just never had a moment to -- Sit and ponder. Type and tap away. Think and share. Tell my story. That itch would not go away. When I whimpered to my husband that this was the first Tuesday in maybe two years that I didn't write a slice, he suggested: STBD:  Slice To Be Determined. There you have it.  A slice to be determined.  An itch relieved with a scratch.