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soLs: september 11th

Slice of Life Stories hosted

September 11th.

A day many of us will never forget.

It was a beautiful morning.  Bright blue sky without a cloud in sight.  I was driving to school to teach my little second graders, only my second year of teaching.  As I drove through the forest preserve with the radio on, the funny radio personalities mentioned in a somewhat serious tone that an airplane had hit one of the Twin Towers in NYC.

In my mind, a small airplane. 

But it wasn't. It was much, much bigger.

Bigger than any of us ever expected.

TVs were blaring in every classroom.  The sights just unimaginable.  Horrific.  Unbelievable.  A staff meeting was called.  We were told what to say, which was really what not to say.  No one really knew what was going on.  Then the bell rang.  And twenty eight year olds were making their way into our classroom.  

Some knew.  Some didn't.  No one understood.

A day many of us will never forget.

September 11th.


  1. You are so right we will... no... we never should not remember!

  2. Yes, an unbelievable event in our history. One that we pray will never be repeated. So many lives affected and the coming together of a nation.

  3. I'm glad you wrote something about it, Michelle. I thought it was a small airplane too, just heard about it on my way to work. We'll never forget, will we? And I guess that is a good thing. Thank you.

  4. Your slice says: pause and think. I have not forgotten. Even though the event happened across the ocean, the wave of it reached far.

  5. Yes, it was a beautiful morning...which make what was to follow all the harder to bear, I thought.

  6. As a New Yorker I had a gut feeling, immediately upon hearing the first plane had hit the Tower, that we were under attack. Ever since then I've tried to listen to my gut since it's usually right. (Oh how I wish my gut were wrong that day.)
    Thanks for choosing to write about September 11th, Michelle.

  7. I happened to be home sick that day. When I turned on the TV, like everyone, I was horrified. I though about those events quite often today. Thank you for sharing.

  8. It is still so hard to explain this evil cruelty to young children. I think I like to focus on the teams of fire fighters and police that worked so hard in this disaster. I remember being sick to my stomach instantly and in the next moment wanting to call my dad, so worried that he might have a heart attack. xo nanc

  9. Such a powerful memory. I wrote mine last year:
    I was a student then, but I've always thought about what it must have been like for teachers. What would you say to the kids? Especially little ones. Now it's so weird because our students don't even remember what for us is forever etched in our hearts.

  10. I also first heard the news on the radio on my way to work. I remember having to face students that day after beginning to put the pieces together. I remember students being pulled out by parents who wanted to their families close by.

    Your words did just what they declare (we will never forget) by causing me to remember so many details and emotions from that day.

  11. "No one understood." And still don't.... Hard to understand that which is incomprehensible.

  12. I was in my junior year of college, so my experience did not involve the teaching side, although I remember how it was difficult at the college level and could tell that it was hard for professors to know what to do. I agree with Dana - it will always be hard to understand.

  13. The details of that day will forever stay in our minds, and for very good reason! I remember watching the news with our sixth graders and trying to answer their questions and quell their fears. Every minute is etched in my brain.

  14. Yes, it was all about what not to say that day, wasn't it?

  15. So true...a day many of us will never forget. I was surprised that there wasn't much covered about it this year. Especially because I think it was the same day of the week this year (a Tuesday)-which I will always remember because of being ina meeting that morning-they only occur on Tuesdays...I can still visualize the whole day-and I remember it was weird outside because of not hearing any airplanes-also that the weather this year was eerily similar to that day 11 years ago...thanks for sharing your rememberance of 9/11


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