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soLs: think positively

Slice of Life Stories hosted

Yesterday was my last Monday of summer break.  And today is my last Tuesday.

It is finally hitting me that I have to venture back into the real world.  A real world with a real schedule.

My real world of . . .

life of being a mommy and teacher and always

how much learning, laughing, talking I'm missing when the girls are at daycare, and

to slow down and enjoy the small moments together even though I'm

how I'm going to get all the daily chores completed in a lesser amount of time and

the answer to the question I despise most: "What's for dinner?" all the while

my sense of self and sanity.

I know it can be done.

But from my vantage point:  

It's  a   l--o--n--g,      w                    e
                               n                 t       e
                               y,           s               p     road ahead in the upcoming weeks.


  1. You have captured the feelings of all working women - the balance between home, family and work - never easy, but rewarding on all sides (realized once we don't have all those pressures). You can do it - yes, you will miss the little things with the girls, but take the time to enjoy them when you are with them. And that age old question: "What's for dinner" - sorry that never gets easier to answer! Love ya, M

  2. I love your post, Michelle! I start back next Monday also and look forward to it, but also dread the crazy schedule that comes with it. Awesome post!

  3. Beautifully communicated, Michelle. There are always two selves, aren't there, the one of home & the one of work. Sometimes I wish I had a chef, too! There has to be a system! I love the way you arranged your words, cleverly showing the road back. Thanks!

  4. Fabulous. You have spoken for all of us, I think. I start next Monday also. Funny how we as teachers count down the last days of summer the same way we count down the last days of school!

  5. Love the concrete nature of your poem.

    Love the way you commit to all these active verbs.

    Knowing you will be absorbed in "the real world" next week.

    So glad you wrote.

  6. Ug... next week is my week of "lasts". EEK! Trying not to think about it.
    Love how you wrote this with the -ing words and examples and then the creatively crafted long, windy, and steep. Looking forward to hearing about your year and wishing you a smooth entry into it.

  7. What a beautiful slice. I go back on Thursday. You capture those pulls well of wanting to still have a nice balance with family. I appreciated the realistic, but hopeful tone.

  8. So perfect! You always have the best way to share thoughts that are universal. Enjoy your last days, but enjoy the future days more as life picks up the pace. You can do it!

  9. I like the flow of your slice. Thank you for adding one possible answer to maintaining the sanity.

  10. I love, love your new favorite is Wag more, bark less! I know you can do it Michelle! Always first, I feel is family...I'm a really believe that we have seasons in our lives. xo for a great new year.

  11. Wonderful. I loved the bold face of the "ing" words. Funny how your poetry read like a painting. Crafting words with meaning from their content and their presentation.
    A world full of firsts and lasts. I hope your days this week are full of sunshine and hugs. I will be thinking of you as you start back to school. And what is for dinner?

  12. I know, I know not sure if I am ready either. . . Great style, great thoughts great but sad post :-))

  13. I think I can... I think I can! Sometimes I have to tell myself that. Just remember once you all adjust to your working mom schedule, you will be settled back into your routine. I wish I could help with the dinner part. Some weeks are better then others but I try to make menus and grocrey shop for the week on Sunday. Good luck on your first day back!

  14. Well said Michelle! Many blessings to you and all teachers who prepare to go back! You will positively find a way to do all that you can the best you can...thanks for your poem-always so full of inspiration...

  15. Beautiful post in content and color!

  16. Every time I'd go back to the classroom after summer, I'd think about the balancing act, and tried to reassure myself that there really was enough time to "do it all". It's just that you get so tired "doing it all", that you can't! So you have to be satisfied with doing the important and letting the "all" slip back into it's place in the line of priorities. Great post!

  17. You're lucky you can play around with the way you post your print - it was a great addition to your poem - something I haven't been able to figure out how to do on Wordpress.
    I laughed out loud when I read the "age-old" question (I don't even like to see it in print or say it aloud!)


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