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soLs: and so it begins . . .

Slice of Life Stories hosted

Yesterday was the first day back: told in numbers

Rise and shine: 30 minutes earlier

Walk/jog on the treadmill: 2 miles in 30 minutes

Managed to finish Divergent: savored the last 50 pages

School (aka daycare) drop off:  easy and under 5 minutes

First drive to school in weeks:  9 miles in the usual 25 minutes

Breakfast treats and chatting:  30 minutes of catching up

Nitty gritty, review and new information:  over 2 hours of sitting

Finally, a yummy (catered) lunch:  2 tacos, 1 scoop of rice, and a handful of chips

Meetings in the afternoon:  over 2 more hours of sitting

Ever-so-thankful that I only have to sit and get:  1 day out of the school year

Otherwise, I'm listening
                    and learning
                        and reading
                            and thinking with kids: all 184 days left!

And so it begins . . .


  1. It's always interesting to see how the numbers add up in a single day. Sounds like a good start with thinking and learning, but ouch to all that sitting.

  2. Love your post and the creative spin on numbers. Yesterday was our teachers inservice day, today the kids come. I'm so ready to meet them!

  3. Oh you said a mouthful! Way way way too much sitting! I left the second 2 hours and took a 1 hour class and then a 1 hour yoga class! And so it begins . . .

  4. We had inservice yesterday also. Differentiated PD. It was great! Today we have our official meetings....this will be our "sit and get" day. Not looking forward to it too much....I'd rather be in the classroom. Have a great year. Can't wait to hear more.

  5. So many numbers that total up to the sum of your day. And just the beginning of what will be a great school year. Just remember the "sitting" and think about how the kids must feel when they have to sit most of their day after having been so active all summer. Looking forward to hearing more. Love ya, M

  6. When I have to sit for hours and listen, I think of the kids on that first day! Don't do too much sitting! It's hard to come to a complete stop after all the activity. Just read Judy's comment above! Ha! So I could have said "Ditto"! I'm retired now. I sit and get up when I WANT to now...oooh, and even go to the bathroom! Teachers lose that privilege, too!

  7. Love that you put it all together like this, Michelle. Not much difference in our first day last week. The students arrive tomorrow, a very different set of statistics! Hope you have a terrific beginning to the year with your class.

  8. What a lovely way to look at those Superintendent Conference Days. We too have so much to "do" to get ready but will sit, listen, and be reminded what we should NOT do when WE are in charge of our own classroom destinies for the rest of the year!

  9. And so it begins... I had my first day with kids today.

  10. Yum, the tacos with one scoop of rice. I get to include in an intermediate writing class this year. I know that it will be the joy of my days. I do a fair amount of assessment...I used to really love diagnosis, but starting to lose it because of the amount. Sit and get...definitely not my favorite. I hope there was some music at least!!! xo

  11. What a fun way to slice about the experience. I especially love the last lines reminding us of a great way to view the school year, maintaining focus on what is most important!

  12. You have been good this summer if you only have to get up 30 minutes earlier for school! I am shifting by about 4 hours!

    I love the day in numbers: 11 perfect snapshots of your life that add up to 1 great slice!

  13. Comment in numbers:
    1 very lucky school
    1 thoughtful teacher
    1 day down 184 to go
    1 awesome start to the year
    1 creative slicer slice-
    5 reasons you are admired by me! Woo-hoo!

  14. I am so impressed that on your first day you managed to exercise and read a book for fun! Way to start!

  15. I love the way you retold your day in numbers. So creative!

  16. I love how you made a list using numbers! You did so much in 1 day. I hope you had a good first day of school . :)

    --jee young

  17. I just stumbled upon your blog. I look forward to visiting often! What a fun and creative post. My students arrived last Wednesday. Let the fun begin!


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