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soLs: half-way

Slice of Life Stories hosted

through summer


my to-do list is longer
books to read stack is bigger
projects to create is extensive


lots of time with girls
playing, reading, swimming
repeat, repeat, repeat


ready for garage sale
squeezing in a PD read
reading what I can


summer is only
half-way through


  1. Glass is half full...most would see summer half gone. You need to keep it positive to end well! Keep enjoying it! And keep it full! It wouldn't be fun if you didn't have stuff overflowing the cup.

  2. Amazing - I love the way it shifted from related to the frantic feeling of summer going so quickly to the half full perspective. I want to keep this in mind throughout the rest of the summer and as I start the school year. Really that goes along with my OLW for the year, gratitude. Thank you for giving a nudge to remind myself for what I am able to do in the summer, rather than worrying about what I am not able to do. I go back to work on August 16th, right around the corner :)

  3. Dear Michelle,
    Half is an interesting place on a timeline. Whether you look back or ahead it is your choice of colors in which you see it that makes a difference. Your "yet" and "but" are good examples on how attitude tilts the balance. The length of time is also dependent on perspective. One month until school seems like a short time. Two weeks away from SOl community seemed like a long time. I missed reading and writing. I wish I had been here to give you support when you needed it.

  4. There is still so much time...right? Lots of time. Soak it up. ;)

  5. lots of time with girls
    playing, reading, swimming
    repeat, repeat, repeat

    My favorite three lines in the poem,
    and I love the repeat, repeat, repeat

    If all else fails, in the second half, you have
    your three lines with your girls.

    (my favorite four words)
    I think I will use them as I plan the rest of my summer off.
    yet, but, and however, repeat, repeat, repeat

  6. Yet, but, and, however....hang on to those and repeat, repeat, repeat!

  7. Nice way to look at it...only halfway through. And even if those projects don't get done, or the PD book read or the to do list doesn't shrink, you still are doing the most important thing this summer--spending time with your girls. Enjoy. Savor. School will be here soon enough.

  8. I agree with Deb! You are doing the important stuff! And it goes by way, way, way too fast!

  9. I can feel your pain. I sometimes wish summers could last forever. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I can't believe we are mid July already! Sometimes I wish time could stand still for a little while. My to-do list is getting longer too and I don't think I have even made a dent in it!

  11. I know, can it be, mid July, yikes! Take it slow. Make sure you are crossing things off that list. It will last as long as it lasts and never feel like enough.

  12. can we keep our summer relaxed attitudes going during the school year... hmmmm.....

  13. I so remember the efforts to hold on to the summer as it flew by. So much to do, so little time but time is so precious. :)

  14. What can I say? I agree with all the comments above. I especially like how you ended your poem "however, summer is only half-way through". Take each day as it comes and savor it for all it's worth, especially enjoy your time with the girls - it goes by way too quickly. Love ya, M

  15. Michelle,
    Savor as much as you can-before you know it, they'll be old before your eyes-and you won't remember blinking. We are vacationing as a family soon...looking forward to it. Thanks for your inspirational attitude!

  16. I'm kind of a half full gal myself so it helps to frame summer and vacation more like a double popsicle. I've still got one whole popsicle left!


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