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soLs: the element

Slice of Life Stories hosted

I am one of a bazillion viewers around the world loving the Summer Olympics.  I thoroughly enjoy learning about the athletes and hearing their stories.  I can't even begin to count the number of times I've had goosebumps watching in amazement.  I am a believer in their hopes and dreams.  Even though they are in London as Olympians, they are still just like you and me in many ways.  We all have our moments of being in our element. 

 Yesterday, I read an article where Sir Ken Robinson shared his definition of the element: 

"The element is finding that point where talent meets passion."  

This is true in many facets from academics to technology to sports,  
and all of the Olympic athletes are in their element.
Right now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To dream to be 
the best of the best
in your element

To hear the stories
of life's struggles
and conquers

To feel goosebumps
and tear up
in pure awe

To see the power
strength, and

To hope
for so much
in one moment

To reach
the ultimate goal:
Olympic Gold

Or   n o t --
please know

With your passion
and your talent
in your element

You have won
the hearts
of a country.


  1. Beautifully written and touching! So relevant to the moment! Love the definition of element-the point where talent meets passion! Thanks for sharing this Michelle!

  2. The Olympics are awe inspiring, but then you would take the gold medal in the poetry department. Your poems are also awe inspiring too.

  3. Your poem says so much! These Olympians have so much passion for their sport and have worked so hard to develop the talent that God gave them. Yes, they have truly won our hearts, not only for the US Olympians, but for all of the countries represented. Thanks for sharing, Love ya, M

  4. How inspiring! I love hearing the stories most of all. When I was in Denver I read a story about the new 17 year old young girl swimmer. I love the back story also. We are really proud of Evan Jager who is doing the Steeple chase from our district and our church. His story is amazing and he has the heart of an Olympian for sure!

  5. What a poem to capture such a big event with words! "To hope for so much in one moment"- I love that line!

  6. What a beautiful tribute to the spirit of the games. I too love the pagentry and the back stories - perhaps more than the events. However, I also sit there watching the few that made it to the Olymics and wonder about all the kids (and parents) who spent years training for this and did not make it!

  7. Beautiful, Michelle. We are so excited watching all the events, and Missy Franklin comes from near where I live so we've followed her for a long time. I admire those parents too-what dedication!

  8. I think you captured what we all are thinking. Beautiful poem, Michelle. And I'm going to read the article now!

  9. Beautifully said! I too have been watching, listening and thinking how amazing these young people are and how proud they are to represent the USA!

  10. Your poem captures how so many of us are feeling as we've been tuned-in to the coverage of the London Olympics.

    Ditto to what Linda said about Missy Franklin. I teared up as I watched her sing the National Anthem on the podium.

    My only complaint about the Olympics is having news outlets post the spoilers, without warning, on their Facebook Feeds. Argh!

  11. These are fine words, well chosen.

  12. Wow - what moving words. I love that. I just received the NCTE Council Chronicle with the convention preview. I am looking forward to being able to see Sir Ken Robinson for the Friday General Session.

    I could also relate with your description of how you feel watching the Olympics.

    Oh, and I have been using your trick to get back to the Two Writing Teachers site for comments! Thanks again for sharing that.

  13. Your ability to connect inspiration, events, and thoughts and use it to create poetry continuously amazes me. I can relate to your poem from my country too. I like the ending of your poem.


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