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{DIY Literacy: Part 3} #cyberPD

This summer a really BIG! group of educators are reading and learning together online.  I am participating and 
co-hosting this year's sixth annual #cyberPD event with my online colleagues Cathy Mere and Laura Komos

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New this summer! 
Weekly Twitter chats about the scheduled reading.  The next chat is 
Thursday, July 21st @ 9 AM CST/10 AM EST using the #cyberPD hashtag.

Our final Twitter Chat is scheduled for
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th at 8 PM est/7 PM cst
Kate Roberts and Maggie Beattie Roberts 
will be joining in the #cyberPD chat!  

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My Thoughts and Reflections

Chapter Five: Just for You: Tailoring Teaching to Meet Students' Needs

"Not only can tools give students something tangible to hold onto as they navigate their way through the curriculum, but they also give kids personalized learning footholds to find their next step along the way." (Roberts and Roberts, p.73)

Take Away: All the tools help students "get" what they need (differentiation) to move forward in learning. The tools create independence and choice when students are reflective about their practices and decisions.  We can empower students through choice and creating their own learning plans.

Think About/Share:  I adore the language in the classroom vignettes that Kate and Maggie share:
"I couldn't help but notice ..."
"...push yourself as writers today." 
"You are all ready for the next level of work today."
"You are ready for this work."
"I am going to work really hard to teach you the lessons that I think will help you most. But I have to admit something to you: sometimes I will miss the mark ... so we will have to have a plan for how you will be able to read deeply even when the teaching that day didn't work for you."   
I like the idea of the "If/Then" chart shared on p.79.  However, I'm not sure yet how I would use it in my resource/intervention classroom. Still pondering this.  (I posed it as a question for our Thursday Twitter chat ... perhaps you will share an idea!)

Try it:  Love, love, love the idea of tabbing the demonstration notebook with students' names! (p.76) Simple, but brilliant! Those are my favorite kind of nuggets!

On the other hand, there are deeper nuggets that keep hitting me in the head to try!  There it is again .... Evernote. I have collected numerous pins about Evernote and I think the most I have so far is an account, but what's my username/password?!?  I need to REALLY attempt using this digital tool for taking notes, photos, and recordings.  Will this be the year?  (Again, I asked for a personalized micro progression from Cathy -- an Evernote connoisseur -- to help get me started!)

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Chapter Six: Nut and Bolts: Tips for Making Teaching Tools Effective and Engaging

"What's most important is that teaching tools are creations with your students, flaws and all." (Roberts and Roberts, p.104)

Take Away: This chapter was full of ideas and philosophies that I value in my teaching and classroom: engaging and motivating students in various ways, the environment is the third teacher, creating and recreating teaching charts and tools, using smaller chart paper for a smaller classroom (white construction paper), and so on.  Key take away was the very last sentence of this chapter and the quote above: "What's most important is that teaching tools are creations with your students, flaws and all." Just do it and use it!

Think About/Share:  Wow! What a fabulous list of professional texts that Kate and Maggie shared in the appendix.  I was highlighting and marking titles I own and other titles I need to get my hands on!  Thanks for this helpful collection!

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As always, thank you for taking the time to read and sharing your voice!

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Join in the #cyberPD conversations this month!
  • Grab your copy of DIY Literacy and read!
  • Write a weekly blog post or share your thoughts in the Google Community.
The #cyberPD July Schedule of Events

Week of July 3rd: Chapters 1-2 and the Bonus Chapter
Week of July 10th: Chapters 3-4
Week of July 17th: Chapters 5-6
Our final Twitter Chat is scheduled 
for the evening of
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th at 8 PM est/7 PM cst
Kate Roberts and Maggie Beattie Roberts 
will be joining in the #cyberPD chat!  

Read.  Reflect.  Share.  Respond to others.  Then repeat.

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  1. This book is all kinds of brilliant. Sorry I'm so late to the party, but thank you (plural) for all you do for teachers and education through #cyberPD!

  2. I have heard such good things about Evernote as well! If you make it work in your intervention classroom, I would love to hear about it.

  3. I LOVE your statement: "Environment is the 3rd teacher"... PERFECT! Working smarter means that we use all of the resources we have and that includes our environment! I have always been one to maximize the world that surrounds myself and learners, but never really thought about it as a 3rd teacher!
    Any success experimenting with Evernote yet? Cathy is the pro, but I could play with a screen cast if you want...

  4. So many good books by teachers for teachers!


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