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Showing posts from November, 2013

sols: release

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers I'm in need of a mind release just quickly writing what's weighing heavily on my mind, body, and soul. But so much is personal -- Between the struggles of being a giving and nurturing wife trying to be a patient mother wanting to be there as a friend striving to be a supportive colleague hoping to be an inspiring teacher. And because it's personal -- I am so good about keeping all that stuff bottled inside, where it's safe between only me and God.

sols: want to write

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers I want to write but my brain is heavy with all that needs to be done. I want to write but those report card comments and graphs need to be completed. I want to write but the binders of running records and conferring notes need  to be analyzed. I want to write but the two chapters of our district book study needs  to be reviewed. I want to write but that big black bag that I drag home every night needs to be organized. I want to write but Twitter and Pinterest easily distract my need  to be connected. I want to write but the stack of books (waiting patiently) need  to be read. But, the truth is -- I need to be creating a Tuesday slice all because I want to write....

sols: a book to remember

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers In celebration of Picture Book Month , we are reading picture books.  Picture books to remember. I shared the title of a recently published book with our school librarian.  I shared it with our school social worker and psychologist.  I shared it with a teacher who mentioned she had a student crying every day at recess because she was feeling ignored. This is a picture book to remember. My second grade group of four boys spotted the new book on the whiteboard ledge first. "Oooo, can you read that book?  Pleeeease!" "I'm sorry, our time together is up.  It's time to go--" "C'mon!  Just read the first page!" "Ok! Ok!  I can't say no to that, especially because it is one of my newest favorite ...

sols: writing to learn

Slice of Life  hosted  at the  Two Writing Teachers Have you ever had a comment that made you stop and think?  Or a post that you can easily connect to? It happens quite often here in this writing community, but I rarely take the time to share my thoughts and reflections beyond my comments.  Today, I am.  I am writing to learn.  To learn more about me. I've thought a lot about Terje's comment: Also,  her SOL post   about learning about herself through her writing has me thinking too.  I can relate to her reflections: " Blogging and being part of SOL community has helped me to learn about myself.  Deciding what to write about and how to write has helped me to see what really matters in my life.  Sometimes people who comment see things in me that...