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sols: summer reading

Slice of Life hosted at the 

Summer reading.

I can't wait.  I probably won't have the time to do a #bookaday.

But I will read.   I will read more than I'm reading now.

My reading life has slowed because my time is occupied with my three year olds, house work, and school work.  Soon the daily school work will be put on hold.  I'll still read a professional book or two. I'll still dig into the Common Core.  I'll still be learning for school.  But I'm looking forward to reading more books.  For me.

I'm ready to go read.  I have a plan.  I have a stack of books.  I have a promise to myself to read every day.

But what about my students?

You see, I work with developing readers where reading isn't natural or easy or a pleasurable experience yet.  We are constantly on the search for the book that will hook them to want to read, or to choose to read because they want to, or to read instead of that fake reading they try to perfect.

I know all too well about that summer slide and I try to explain it to my students and share the benefits of reading all summer long.

I'm thinking about the conversations I want to have with my students before school is out.   I want to talk about my plans for reading --
  • my goals (total number of books)
  • my summer stack (floor to ceiling!)
  • my #bookgap (reading those books that I normally would want to read)
  • my reading places and spaces (the porch, the hammock, the beach, the pool)

(Another reason to love Pinterest:
 I have a board full summer reading ideas!)

How do you encourage more reading?  Please share your ideas or suggestions for reading this summer.


  1. Ahhh, this is one of my FAVORITE things about summer. I have 2 small ones at home, too, but I promise myself to make time to read!! It's been way too long since I've read a book for myself.

    I love that you're going to share your plans with your students! I hope you inspire all of them to remember to read this summer!

  2. It's hard for me to convince high schoolers to read during the summer. Although I talk with them all the time about what I read, where I read. I share my TBR list with them (they notice I haven't crossed anything off that list lately. I have to remind them that every book on that list is checked out right now!) I've been finding book trailers that I'm going to start showing (if I ever get done with Romeo and Juliet). I've also been known to let them check out my books over the summer if there is something they really want to read. It all helps

  3. I love that word "yet." I think your plan sounds wonderful and I hope your students follow your lead. I'm thinking about doing a couple of virtual book clubs via our Kidblog so that my fourth graders and I can talk about some books over the summer. I guess I better get it planned...we only have 8 days of school left. :)

  4. Summer was always the time for reading for fun. I used to spend the school year reading for school, so summer was non-school related. I love the idea of the summer reading bucket list.

  5. Sounds like you have a great plan for getting some "me" time of reading accomplished this summer. I think it must be difficult for your students, especially if the parents don't encourage them to read. Maybe send home a list of books that the student and parents can get from the library and read together. Happy reading! Love ya M

  6. I'm going to read at least two books just for fun. NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

  7. Happy reading! Yesterday my third grader was talking about summer reading goals after it being a topic of conversation in her classroom.

  8. I've been having those conversations with my students, too. Some of them (8th graders) have never cracked a book during the summer. Some still declare they never will, but over half could tell me what they planned to read during the summer when I asked on my end of year survey. I've talked up the summer reading program at our local library, connecting with other readers on sites like GoodReads and the NY Times Learning Blog summer reading contests. Students suggested favorite books in different categories/genres that I've shared in a GoogleDocs spreadsheet. I wish I had thought to talk about favorite places to read during the summer.

  9. I can't wait. I just got a new i-pad and I'm so excited to order. I'm starting with some re-reads first...Anne of Green Gables and a few from Narnia. I'm looking at reading some Patrica Cornwall and I'm reading the new vocabulary book from Stenhouse. I'll go to the library to catch up on the new children's books that I haven't read yet. xo

  10. "Reading, reading, reading... Is that all you teachers ever talk about?"
    "Why, yes. Yes, it is. Well, unless it is writing, writing, writing!"
    And that's what I want to do this summer, too! Take a break from retirement and read some good books at the shore and write lots and lots. I hope I have time!
    I have made a "found poem"of SOL post titles today and your title is in my poem!

  11. Michelle,
    Just the thought of summer reading makes me smile! I really want to spend more time reading books for pleasure this summer. I have a huge professional reading stack for the summer, but really only have a few books on my personal reading stack. What are you hoping to read? I'd love to hear about it.

    As for my students, I started talking with them today about the books we have loved this year. We'll spend the next few days revisiting favorites, referring to our Shelfari shelf, making book posters for next year's students, and talking about the books we hope to read this summer. I'm going to try to get my students to blog on Mondays about a book they've read.

    I love the idea of #bookaday, but must admit I find it a little intimidating. I think my plan is to #readeachday or maybe #pleasurebookeachweek. ;o)

    Thanks for your beautiful post. Here's to summer reading!!!!

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  13. Summer and reading - a perfect match. I haven't had that conversation with my students yet. I will.


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