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sols: just for today

Slice of Life Stories hosted

I usually write my Tuesday "Slice of Life" on Monday evening.  Some Mondays, I have a story or idea already mixing -- and sometimes even several ideas to choose.  This week was different.

I started typing.  Then deleted.  I had an idea.  Then started over.  A blank screen stared back at me.  Fingers tapped on the keyboard, but nothing filled the page that was worthy of sharing.

I then remembered reading Rachel's post:  Sunday Stills @ finding joy, and I also remember thinking to myself: I may need to try this again for a slice.  So, here I am, borrowing a little inspiration.  Again.


today:  i'm in a happy, calm place (deep breath and enjoy) balancing "it" all (for now)
want to be:  home with my girls, laughing and delighting in the new moments of seeing the world with two and a half year olds
blessings:  my family, my daughters, my home, and my God, who day after day provides me with so much
thinking:  where did the year go?  no, really?  what happened to 2012?  (and where is a little bitty snow?)
planning:  a new focus on ME-first for 2013, including healthy eating and exercising to be ready to celebrate my brother's and almost-official-sister-in-law's wedding
writing:  a slice of life in a simplified little package
loving:  the Christmas season full of lights and decorations, new traditions, and shopping
grateful:  for all that i am, all that i have, all that i'm learning, and all that the future holds

today {again}:  i am reminded in this moment that when i purposely slow down life and just let go, i see more beauty

What are you thankful for today?  What's on your to-do list?


  1. I love this "to do list" because it is so so true! My favorites-"let go of what I can't control" and "just breathe"...if we can remember just those two things, we would find the "time" to take care of self which means we are a better person for everyone else! Great slice...again Michelle!

  2. Great slice, Michelle (as always). Yes, we all have so much to be thankful for and I'm happy to see that your planning begins with you! The "To Do List" is a definite reminder to put our priorities in the correct order. Love ya, M

  3. Thank you for the reminder to be thankful for what I have. I like that your list was all lower case. Why stress over a capital I, when you are being grateful. If you find out where this year went, please let me know.

  4. Well, this is just the post I needed to read today, just what I needed to remind myself - be thankful, enjoy your blessings, "breathe deep and enjoy"! Thanks, Michelle!

  5. I love this way of writing a slice. I'm going to "steal" this idea soon. I've got my freshmen blogging now, so I may also use it with them. It seems like a great way to get words to paper!

  6. It's great to see how la bit of inspiration helps you to create a wonderful post. On a busy day, when my mind is muddled and ideas hard to find, I like to lean on a format like this. It allows to refocus and bring out the positive. Time to breathe.

  7. It's a great format!

    "a slice of life in a simplified little package"
    Nifty, just nifty.

    You're wise to focus on "ME" for 2013. Good for you, Michelle!

  8. I love this idea. Thank you for sharing it and for including the link! I am going to try this format!

  9. Like Stacey, I love "a slice of life in a simplified little package" - lovely at Christmas time too. And love the format, the picture, and the thoughts you shared, Michelle. Wow-this is special for me now. As you saw all the boxes, etc., I know it's got to be a small bit at a time, plus a small bit of "making" Christmas. I am looking forward to the winter break!

  10. This is all great. Everyone needs a reminder to slow down, breath and take in the moments of the day. I agree that you are a smarty for focusing on yourself more. Everything falls into place a little better when you can be more centered, a tricky task. You sure are off to a great start though with your list.

  11. Beautiful slice. I especially love your to do list. Wishing you much joy this Christmas season!

  12. Michelle,
    So inspirational as always~
    I like the format you shared here and hope to try it out myself-soon! Thanks for sharing-
    Love the pictures too and especially the part about smiling breathing and going slowly!

  13. Somehow you pack so much voice into every format of writing you take on. I love this format, but fear my version would be lack the life yours exudes. I love what you are 'thinking' the most--you make me smile! And I am with you on the snow thing... just a little bit? I was not a fan of the spring in December we just left behind.


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