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SOLS: In the Backyard

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In the Backyard
[Inspired by Lisa Schroeder's verse novel: Chasing Brooklyn, p.57]

In the backyard

There is a warm breeze trying to shift the stifling air.
There are cicadas singing in the heat of the day.
There is a brilliant blue sky without a puffy cloud in sight.

In the backyard

There are kids giggling and splashing, trying to stay cool.
There is one LARGE sycamore shading us from the sizzling sun.
There are toys, bikes, trikes, and more scattered throughout the grass.

In the backyard

There is a moment at dusk when tired and quiet lay their hands upon us.
There are fireflies surprising us: glowing and blinking here, then there.
There is a mosquito -- smack! -- buzzing by my ear.

In the backyard

There is a constant reminder to sit, relax, and stay awhile.


  1. I'm in your backyard, right this minute. And that's why poetry is such a fantastic medium and summer of course!


  2. As I read your poem, I too hear the song of the cicadas!

  3. My favorite words "when tired and quiet lay their hands upon us". Wow! What an image you have created. Sounds like a perfect place to be.

  4. Your poem elicits sights, sounds, the feel of the breeze and an inner feeling of community and happiness. Lovely.

  5. Love what you did with this structure, filling it up with your day with the kids. Your line about the warm breeze shifting the stifling air is great. This is certainly a summer poem!

  6. I love the structure and the imagery. Great poem!

  7. Love it! :) What fun! I'm going to have to dig up a copy of your inspiration. Thanks for sharing that.

  8. WOW--I love this piece, Michelle. It paints such a great picture of a summer day. I, too, was struck by the line "when tired and quiet lay their hands on us". I love the idea of it.

  9. Perfect! Love the repetition of lines and all the gorgeous details.

  10. Simply beautiful.

    I especially love this:
    There is a moment at dusk when tired and quiet lay their hands upon us.
    There are fireflies surprising us: glowing and blinking here, then there.
    There is a mosquito -- smack! -- buzzing by my ear.

  11. Your poem is beautiful. Great word choice.

  12. What a pleasant time you have in your backyard. I like the structure you used. Together with your word choice the piece becomes memorable.

  13. The firefly part made me smile. My son caught one last night and convinced his dad to let him put it in his bug catcher to watch while he sleeps. Thanks for sharing in a wonderful, repetitive form.


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