I already shared some of my thoughts for summer reading . . . And then I saw this video: And then I immediately shared it with my colleagues and shared some suggestions to talk up summer reading in an email: Please talk with your students about the importance of keeping that reading brain awake all summer long! Here are just a few ideas that I will be sharing with my small groups (depending on grade level) - If you are interested, there are more ideas on my Summer Reading pinterest page too ( http://pinterest.com/ michellenero/summer-reading/ ): *Set a reading goal or sign an agreement: http://pinterest.com/pin/ 276901077061924762/ *Try book tastings: http://pinterest.com/pin/ 39336196715515493/ *Share book trailers to entice their reading brains: http://mrschureads.blogspot. com/ (or use Google) *Share with students your book stack and have students create their own list of books they want t...
Reading. Writing. Reflecting. To be the best me I can be in the classroom ... and at home. ~ Thoughts and words by Michelle Nero